The Role of Services Marketing Mix on Perceived Quality and Brand Awareness: An application using structural equation modeling

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية




This research examines the differential impact of Services Marketing Mix on perceived quality and brand awareness. This research aims to throw light on the factors that contributed to growth in the segment and presents an insight on the present status of the Telecom Sector. The Marketing Discipline embraces multiple research methodologies and paradigms to examine consumer decision making, judgment and purchase behavior. It explores the influence of broad, macro-level variables like demographics, social class and family socialization processes, as well as the effects of marketing variables such as advertising, branding, and store layout. Marketing Strategy encompasses selecting and analyzing of the target market/s and creating and maintaining an appropriate marketing mix that satisfies the target market and the organization. According to our model, marketing mix strategies are influenced by the company’s marketing mix decisions while marketing mix decisions are influenced by the regional market environment, demand and size and cultural differences of the country.

Data was collected through surveying Mobile Users from the four Telecom Operators in Egypt, the collected data support the impact of the Services Marketing Mix on Perceived quality and Brand Awareness. The structural equation modeling is used to analyze structural relationships between services marketing mix and perceived quality and brand awareness.

The findings provide an essential case for analyzing services marketing mix role on perceived quality and brand awareness for students in higher education business institutions, as well as an agenda for future research.

Keywords: Services Marketing Mix, Telecom Sector, Perceived Quality, Brand Awareness.

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